Register as a Patient

Catchment Area

If you would like to register as a patient (providing that we still have an ‘open’ list – which means we are still taking new patients at the practice) you will need the following documents before you can be officially registered:

  • Id of person – please give one of following i.e. passport, driving licence, benefits book, bank statement
  • Proof of address – utility bill (within the last 3 months) or bank statement showing full address or benefits book

showing full address or any other official document as appropriate

However there are now exceptions to this.  More and more people are now becoming homeless, or have no fixed address, therefore cannot be expected to produce any proof of ID or permanent address. Examples of this may include:-

  • People fleeing domestic violence staying with friends and family
  • Homeless people living on the streets
  • People staying long term with friends but who are not receiving any bills in their own name
  • People who have submitted their documents to the Home Office, as part of an application
  • People trafficked into the country who had their documents taken on arrival
  • Children born in the UK to parents without documentation

You will then need to fill in a form which the receptionist will provide for you filling in all your personal details, telephone number, etc, along with any medications you are on or any chronic diseases you may have.  You will also need to state whether you want to opt out of the Emergency Summary Care Record and the Care Data Record.

The Summary Care Record means that the practice will be able to share your emergency only medical details (i.e. medication, allergies & any adverse reactions only) to any relevant bodies, i.e. locum doctor, hospital, etc.

The Care Data Record means that your data will also be shared outside the NHS i.e. research companies, universities, On a regular basis, information will be extracted from computer records in GP surgeries. Your name will not be shared, but the following information will be included, which may allow you to be identified indirectly:

  • Your NHS number and date of birth/   Your postcode /    Your gender and ethnicity.
  • The medical diagnoses on your record, and any referrals /   Your prescriptions /   Your family history.
  • Your vaccinations and screening tests (smears, etc) /   Your blood test results /   Your body mass index (BMI) /   Your smoking and alcohol habits.

The practice has the right to refuse a new patient if they suspect abusive behaviour , fraudulent documentation, etc.